Sunday, November 18, 2012

SBS Project Day 5

Today, I got downright cranky.  The room was looking better and more comfortable, but I was moody for unrelated reasons.  Sometimes, when I get moody, I clean.  I did more today than I intended, but I'm happy with the progress.

Anyway, if you haven't cleared the clutter from the floor of your room (the obvious places in your line of sight), back up and do Day 4 until you have finished.

On to today's assignments!

Make your bed.

Have your trash/donation/put away containers handy.  As you move throughout your space, put any obvious items you find in the appropriate containers.

Do a load of laundry if applicable.

Clean the walls and baseboards.  Whether or not you can do this in one setting (or at all), depends on the size of your room and your physical ability.  My room is not huge so I did it all at once.  It's OK if you need to break it up over a few days.

My favorite way to get the dirt off the walls is to use a little bit of diluted Doctor Bronner's peppermint soap on a damp rag.  Not only does it look cleaner, but it smells nice, too!  And in all seriousness, it's amazing how far clean baseboards go to add a sense of order to a room.  It sounds crazy, I know.  But once you do it, you'll see what I mean.

Vacuum or mop the floor if applicable.  Cleaning the walls may have released some dust and debris. Or your floor might be a mess after removing all the clutter.  Either way, give the floor a quick cleaning.  We're not talking about perfection here.

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